Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's finally time

Reading my previous post many many moons ago (March, actually) brought back the memory of where we were in our journey and reminded me of how much I have been MIA on this blog.

Here's an update and possibly an explanation as to what has been going on these past few months.

I did get to my baseline ultrasound in March (for the then, upcoming April 11th FET).  Ultrasound was good, non-eventful.  Meds were delivered to the house...all was set...I was to get off the birth control pill that night and then begin meds in a week.

That was, until...

...the night before our first injection and just weeks before the transfer, our CPA called and told us we owed an astronomical amount in taxes.  An amount that was enough to put our transfer on hold so we could get caught up.  We cancelled the April 11th transfer.  We were asking yet again, "Why was God asking us to wait?"  We still didn't know.

If you'll remember, we adopted our 3 twinkle embryo babies in October of 2010, but God sent a few hurdles into our lives to get us to slow down on what we thought was perfectly plotted out timing.  Why?  We did not know.  But we did know that His ways are better than our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts.

Our hurdles over the course of many months were a biopsy for cancer (which turned out negative), a new job stressful job and training period for hubby, a new job for me because someone retired, and then just when we finally scheduled our much anticipated frozen embryo transfer the tax issue reared its ugly head.

Well, April 11th came and went with NO frozen transfer.  God gave us great peace in our hearts that He would tell us when to pick a new date...or if we should do it...ever.

That was until April 18th...

...when I went to the doctor because of some major pain I'd had for a week.  He did a battery of tests, only to come to find that somehow in God's amazing all the waiting, the derailed plans, the questions...God has given us a miracle and we are pregnant, naturally. 

Please please please pray for this baby for so many reasons (see my previous posts for a glimpse).  We don't have any fear about this, just pure joy over how God has chosen to reveal His plan for our lives.  Our hearts are smiling with this news and we are praying for the Lord's mercy, grace and wisdom in the days that we have ahead of us.

We are reminded that:

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel---that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21)

I have waited a few months to write this post and have tried to be thoughtful in sharing this news.  Aside from being truly grateful for this blessing in my belly, hubby and I have also been honored to have been part of the embryo adoption journey. 

The twinkle babies who were once a part of our family (albeit, brief), have now been adopted by a beatiful family who will give them their chance at life next month at Dr. K's in California.  We are praying for the miracle that they have been longing for in their family.

Thanks for taking the time to read this very long post.  And, thank you for your prayers...our journey isn't just turned down a different street.