Monday, March 14, 2011

2 more days til...

...baseline ultrasound.  Let's get this party started!

Dare I say it outloud (or should that be "outread"), but I'm starting to allow myself to get a little excited.  I am so sorry if I offended anyone by my last post which seemed like I didn't appreciate the wonderful place that God has us right now with this embryo adoption.

I do appreciate this amazing journey with our little twinkle babies and can't wait to meet them.  I just think I let fear take over, which has no place in my heart!

So, two days from now, I'll leave the house at 5:30am to brave the Los Angeles freeway system and somehow make my way to Dr. K's office on the other side of L.A.  It's about 80 miles from our house each way, so I'm just trying to give myself enough time to get to the 7:30am appointment and then get to the office (back near my home) at a reasonable hour to get some work done.

Thank you for your prayers.  My heart has definitely felt them and has lifted me out of my pit of self-occupation.  It's time for me to hand over this whole thing to the Lord and trust His will be done. 

I'm so excited again. 

By the way, this time around I think I'm only going to do 2 days of bedrest after the transfer.  Is that too little?  I know there are some pretty varied opinions out there, but I'd love to hear 'em.

I'm not basing this on any scientific data...just thinking about our previous transfers.

I did 11 days of bedrest with Little Mister (6 days of strict bedrest, followed by 5 days of laying on the couch).  I did 9 days of bedrest with our FET last year, which was not succesful.  So, I think this time around, I will rest for 2 or 3 days and then just take it easy at my office job. 

What do you think?


  1. Hi Ellie, How are you doing? We are having our last transfer on Monday. Please pray! Already had allergic reaction to shots. Switched to suppos. On the emotional roller coaster!

    Have you decided where you are headed on this crazy journey?

  2. Glad you updated. I was wondering when you were going to spill the beans. ;) Hope you and the baby are faring well! Hugs!
