Sunday, August 21, 2011

Twinkle Babies have been implanted via FET!!!

Yep, you read that right. 

Even though my last post spilled the beans that I am currently pregnant with a (out-of-the-blue) natural pregnancy (I'm now 22 weeks along)...

...the embryos that we had adopted received their chance at life this past week!  The couple that adopted the embryos from us traveled to California and had two beautiful blastocysts transferred successfully!  Praise God for that!

We are now praying that the twinkle babies snuggle in for the long haul in their cozy home for the next nine months.  We couldn't be happier for them and pray for a pregnancy!!!

Even before we found out about our miracle pregnancy, God had placed on my heart the gentle nudge to "surrender" these embryos.  Looking back on that time I just couldn't understand why God would ask me to give up what I thought was my only chance to be a mommy again.

Little did I know that he already had plans for us and my womb would be occupied when it came to transfer time.  We are reminded how mighty He really is!  And how true the verse..."before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" (Jeremiah 1:5).

I can't wait to receive the news that our dear friend is pregnant at the end of this TWW.  Please pray for this beautiful couple and their growing family!